About the Girl Power Brand:

Kim Lukens is the founder of WhatIsYourGirlPower.com and host of Here's The Thing, a podcast for teens and parents. She has a B.A. in Communications and is a Certified Health Coach and Teen Empowerment Mentor.

She currently works in small group sessions with tween and teen girls. She has a passion for empowering them to stay true to who they are, but to never make excuses. She believes kindness is non-negotiable, which sometimes means apologizing and that empathy is a powerful tool.

Along with her Husband, Kim helped their oldest of three daughters learn to manage her new reality after a traumatic brain injury. Relearning coping skills and managing short-term memory loss required understanding and organizational tools became necessities. It was an opportunity to teach the idea of “unseen challenges” to their children and why kindness always matters.

While helping her middle daughter overcome some challenges of self-doubt during a difficult school year, the Dreamer in her came back to life! By focusing on individual learning style, combined with personal motivators, she created What is your Girl Power. It focuses on helping girls find their voice and keep their confidence through self-care and understanding emotional intelligence and growth mindset. It is also about providing resources and the opportunity to link arms with others.

Kim is excited walk this journey with other women as the get to be the women they needed as a girl.